
Showing posts from April, 2022

Information To Play A Moral Imperial Character In Skyblivion

I'm a 25 year old male (the age considered a man in Roman times. Plus, the average male brain develops until then) named Lexus Lorus with short hair for the warm climate. I (unless I'm out adventuring at the time) might celebrate my birthday with some wine and dessert. (those with the Warrior birthsign would have a birthday in August/Last Seed) I was part of a merchant crew with my parents on a ship, called The Salvay. I prayed to Zenithar for good deals, and I prayed to Kynareth for favorable winds. We transported goods from the Imperial Trading Company warehouses in the Imperial City (the player character starts the game in the Imperial City prison. So it could make sense that you were familiar with at least some of the Imperial City before that) to Elsweyr. We transported dishes, (i.e. silver) clothing, jewelry, curtains, weapons, armor, carpets and alchemy ingredients. (from Elsweyr to the alchemist shops in the Imperial City. Vanilla Oblivion didn't have alchemy ingre